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Leading UX Design at Persona


I am the Senior Director of UX and Design at Persona. I lead a team of uber-talented, cross-disciplinary designers who are committed to our mission: building products that enable our customers to live healthier, happier lives. I am extremely proud of the team I built, and the progress we have made over the last 2+ years.


Product Design, Product Strategy, User Research, Interaction design, Visual design, Prototyping & Testing, Advocating for UX across the organization

September 2019 - February 2022

What I worked on

I am thrilled to say that I have had very little, if any limitations during my time at Persona. I go to work each day and the sky's the limit. I am proud to have had a significant impact on the business, increasing conversion rates by over 200bps. I am constantly thinking long-term, but also optimizing for short term wins. And did I mention I get to work with the best, most talented people in the industry?

I am biased to action. I don't believe in putting off to tomorrow anything that can be done today. The small "startup" culture at Persona means we all share the goal of moving fast, not as individuals, but as one company. This philosophy, among others, have allowed me to accomplish a great deal in my time at Persona.


  • Implemented a UX design process

  • Led Persona's rebranding efforts

  • Served as Creative Director, leading efforts for TV commercials, paid ads, and ongoing creative content

  • Created a design system to expedite work flows and create consistency across digital platforms

  • Developed design to dev handoff procedures

  • Redesigned the customer portal

  • Created a family discount plan to take advantage of viral growth loops

  • Led the AB testing program on the website

  • Optimized the UX through the core conversion funnel creating an uplift of over 200bps

  • Led the mobile app redesign

  • Updated the site to comply with WCAG 2.0 accessibility standards

  • Established a UX strategy for the company

  • Introduced the Jobs-To-Be-Done framework with the team

  • Owned the overall customer experience, from digital first touch to product delivery and ongoing retention efforts.

  • Led the design of the Persona marketplace

  • Led GDPR and CCPA compliance initiatives

  • Served on the marketing leadership team, the growth & acquisition team, and the retention team

  • Designed the company's Christmas gift - a personalized sweatshirt with a pack on the back

What I learned

So. Many. Things. I am surrounded by data analytics experts, marketing gurus, UX specialists, registered dietitians, customer care phenoms, and many other talented professionals. I continue to learn from these folks on a daily basis. Below is a list of my top learnings.


Commit to lifelong learning - this has helped me year over year stay relevant, and expand my expertise.

I’m smart, empathetic, and kind. These are characteristics I’ve had my entire life, but have served me particularly well in the field of UX. Never underestimate the value of listening and empathizing with users, coworkers, or the local cashier.

Stay hungry. Constantly strive to learn more, do more and collaborate helped me move quickly into leadership roles.

Be in the moment but plan 12 – 24 months ahead. I celebrate each success, learn from every failure, but mitigate risk by planning ahead.


Build. Test. Learn. Curiosity is key. There are no heroes, gurus, or ninjas. Get the product to market as quick as you can so you cna learn from it. Failure is a part of the process. Learn from it and apply those learnings to the next iteration.

Draw clear boundaries. Working from home and with team members in multiple time zones, makes it easy to work 12+ hour days without realizing it. Prioritize your nutrition, exercise, mental and physical health. Schedule it into your day!

Hire people smarter than yourself. This is one of the best pieces of advice I ever received. Surround yourself with people who know more than you do. I constantly learn from my team, what I don’t think of they do. The same is true of my peer and leaders.

Ask why… a lot. This is a must. I need to know I’m solving the right problem. The 5-whys method has helped me understand the root cause of an issue. It is something I continue to utilize in my current role.

Relationships matter. If you screw up, own it, and work to make it right. Your personal brand and integrity are the most important things you have.

Adopt an ‘I can do anything’ attitude. People will get behind people who believe they can achieve great things.

Redefining yourself at mid-life is hard… but it is worth it.

Why I'm exploring other opportunities


Why leave a job I love? See the points on life long learning, staying hungry, and planning ahead in the paragraphs above.

I spent the last 2+ years learning and growing at Persona. I am sincere when I say it is the greatest group of people I have had the pleasure of working with. It won't be easy to move on, but I am ready for my next adventure and to continue doing what I am doing on a larger scale.

© 2022 by Joanne Toll

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